These fun colors are very unprofessional. If you ever tried making an interactive CYOA that is even the slightest bit more complex than just keeping track of points, you may have noticed, that this one is kinda primitive. I requested a list a few months ago, but many more have no doubt been created since, so I’d love to see a list again. Please enable it to continue. You can strike fear into Dragons and channel the Thu'um. I've enjoyed watching us weird people grow the community. Common kinks include muscle growth. The CYOA on Neocities. CYOA's like that especially benefit from the automation of an interactive version. I didn't realize it until I was done but doing and making my choices for this then putting it into actual visual and easy to read format took me over 3 hours using a combination of Paint and the. Sorry. 2. 2 fingers, 1 hand and many happy. </strong>The web site of PNG-MAN. For the original, specs that allowed choice in how to allocate stats gave 3 points and specs with no choice gave 4. Please enable it to continue. The challenge point limit of 80 is reached very quickly, which strongly limits how many and which people you can take, especially as a villain. I started with Sylen's, stripped out all the porn, filled in the now missing sections, and added in a bunch of my own ideas. Startouched is the interactive CYOA closest to those two, and whaddaya know, that one is really good! Green_Caterpillar872 • 2 yr. It's got a moderate NSFW option, but you can completely ignore it without any. The initial waiting/loading time might be quite long. It's the 80s! - CYOA : r/nsfwcyoa. OC Interactive WIP nsfw. Cost: 5. Please enjoy. 367 votes, 85 comments. You're a grape. make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story. Interactive Fiction. You may have to avoid traps, pitfalls, and unruly Pokemon all of which are ready to change your experience forever! ‘RUINED!’ is an adult choose your own adventure (CYOA) text adventure with heavy TG themes involving MtF transformation of human to feral Pokemon, and human to anthro legendary Pokemon. png-man 914,353Pokemon Adventure [CYOA] [OC] [Interactive] Take a free trip to the Pokemon World, and choose a group of waifus to tag along with you. Interactive ♦. Most posts on this group are basically character creation for some kind of theme or situation. There is a wooden table with a piece of paper on it, and the back wall has 10 doors. This means you need to click any option you're taking. Interactive Erotica — Fiction for Adults Read and participate in 18,341 interactive sex stories with 787,375 chapters. io, the indie game hosting marketplace Browse Games. She's a 10 year old (older if desired) Japanese-American girl living with her parents and baby sister Makoto. Interactive Fiction. cyoashelia 17,408It allows the user to absorb chakra (which is a KG by itself, mind you), manipulate it, suppress it, create fauna as well as make all sorts of wooden structures. Adventure. This option should cost 30-40 JP. Pokemon NSFW CYOA (Interactive) Space dungeon CYOA. Astraifort Estate is a Gay, Furry themed,. If you know of one that isn't on the list, or is but does not have a link, feel free to toss me an active link. Please enable it to continue. Villains and heroes are very expensive, making the available choices rather limiting as a hero due to being unable to pick from relatively cheap students. CYOA TF Text-Adventure Game. Play in browser. Destiny CYOA. EP:Backrooms. CYOA Choose Your own Ashelia. There's a few bugs, but this is a great improvement over tracking ~10 different point systems. <strong>We're sorry but the Interactive CYOA Creator doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Post with 97649 views. The Helpful Succubus: Good End Corruption Challenge. It will probably take a bit to load for the first time, be patient. A somewhat experimental take on the standard concept of a NSFW fantasy CYOA, it has stats and classes but also a corruption mechanic. 8 (by Om1cr0n) The Company, whose true name is an info hazard to mortal minds, is an omniversal organisation with the primary mission to supply clients with waifu and husbando from an infinite number of realities. 7 hrs. You are The Dragonborn, a master warrior, cunning hunter, skilled mage, and expert craftsman. 개요 [편집] 2021년 8월 10일날 개설된 아카라이브 채널. Traveller's Interactive World of Warcraft CYOA. Summoned Shifter-A Lewd CYOA Fanwork. This short CYOA is about being sent to a fictional world with a power, a subordinate, great talent with the local power system, genius talent, a powerful relic, a random power, or nothing but a lot of starting points. One of her biggest dreams is to become a mother someday - and these are the paths she'll take. If posting builds using the export function, you will need to make note of any of those choices alongside it. cyoashelia 17,398Favorite [CYOA] that took over an hour to do. NSFW. FGSFDSI've always enjoyed the nature of NSFW CYOA. Naela's Journey. Regarding balancing, drawbacks seems a bit harsh. 1. The update for the Interactive Worm CYOA will be released this month. you have been selected to join the team building program! the ‘why’ is beyond your feeble mind’s ability to comprehend. They are otherwise known as branching, choose-your-own-adventure, CYOA or text adventures — all collectively known as interactive fiction (). Pokemon, belong to the creator of this CYoA. 주로 CYOA [1] 에 대해서 다루며, 장르를 불문하고 CYOA계열 창작물이면 전부 다루는 채널이다. Kharia. Chrome users may find better performance in Firefox. Interactive nsfw cyoa . This is an Interactive CYOA. and well the interactive version do not support the infinite combo between wealth and popularity. Fame & Fortune (An Idol CYOA) [CYOA] [Interactive] [OC] This project originally started as a simple conversion of u/animemeisje 's Become an Idol into an interactive format. A little more lewd would probably also not hurt if it's supposed to be a NSFW cyoa instead of like, a regular CYOA. Something I've been working on for a while now! Was a lot of fun to do. You can do the math. Escape from Jabba's palace. Interactive Head Start . Many are NSFW though. ---ht garbled tight-lipped. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Please enable it to continue. Please enable it to continue. 2. Energy production, food supply, environment-proof housing, mining facilities, whatever else is necessary. Step 3: Laying the Foundation. <strong>We're sorry but the Interactive CYOA Creator doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. You can also use our tool to create (very finite) interactive workflows, menu. Slut Life (V3. Finish with a bit of spit and polishing, and tada! a fun (hopefully), expansive WoW cyoa that's SFW. Step 4: Populating the Facility. 06. . Play in browser. Workers are woken up from stasis and build the Facility in accordance with the plans from Step 2. 89K subscribers in the nsfwcyoa community. both are NSFW). Intimately bound to the wildlands, and with a deep respect for the law, the rangers that compose the Farstriders' ranks remain noble, traditional, and valiant protectors of blood elf society. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy. Nothing more than a bowl and a warmed bolt. Surprise! You're a Superheroine! (No "Loli". You have been warned. 15 9 comments New thomasnicole7 • 10 mo. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like Lone001. 4. Gravity was just 4 Magic and air was 4 Agility. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. You have no memory of how you got there so you get up off the floor and read the note left to you. Loading in Lewd Worm Cyoa v1. 1. Sheriff of Lockwood. Due to a limitation in the creator/viewer utilities, options that can be taken multiple times do not show up in the backpack or import/export areas. I. Cost: 3. A DLC for the RWBY CYOA will be released before. hi guys, I'm looking for any type of CYOA or NSFWCYOA related to Star Wars, can be long, short,standard or interactive, doesn't matter the type, just need to have something about star wars. To the one regarding the island location, you get the +5 fortification but since you are forced to take the wildlife challenge you also lose 5 fortification, cancelling out the bonus. Void MaidenFind Interactive Fiction NSFW games like NULL [Remastered], PATTERN SCREAMERS, Lovecraft Locker: Tentacle Lust, Stuck At Home, Halfway House EP1-EP9 on itch. For many, there is great value in the added convenience from an automated system, and for a cyoa like Harahel, that can take a new player 12+ hours to get through, the quality of life adjustments really help. Advertisement Coins. Succubus Employment-A Lewd CYOA. This one was partly inspired by a pick one, where two options included fostering a princess and administering a school. Image Chest makes sharing images easy. Master PC. The Static version of the World Empowerment CYOA will be released on the 23rd. 6 hrs. This has been a big project and took a while to do, after all it includes: 201 Companions and overall 411 pictures and a lot more stuff But I liked the original and thought it'd do well as an interactive CYOA. I may take commissioning down depending on my workload. Play in browser. One night to solve a ten year long mystery. u/PixelGMS, the admin of r/InteractiveCYOA is planning to make a new one at some time in spring or summer and appreciates any help or. This one ended up having long stretches of prose in some places. This means you need to click any option you're taking. The Helpful Succubus: Good End Corruption Challenge. 0. Dreamwalk v1. Cartoon MILF CYOA. As you build your magic school, you have a limited amount of gold (representing gold) and reputation (representing how close the rest of society is to shutting you down). A lot of it gets repetitive. There is no female content in this game and it is HEAVILY NSFW. Powers: -Infinite Mana *Hidden Power -Save and Load *Autosave *Autoload -World Portal *Planar Portal -Swift Learning *Perfect Memory *Apply Knowledge. An adult furry text adventure/interactive fiction/CYOA, featuring adventure, dungeoneering, new friends, and a healthy dose of M/M sauciness! You are a young coyote, determined to make a name for himself as an adventurer in the lightless caverns of the Underdim. png-man 910,346The web site of new-website-. I'm posting this so you guys can give some suggestions. The CYOA on Neocities. 3) Sex Machine CYOA. Grape Escape. I often hear people say that they don't mind cyoas with a lot of text as long as it is well written. 3 hrs. CYOA Choose Your own Ashelia. Here is a large list of interactive CYOA. . Nope, but I. Also, makeing cyoa content sexual or nsfw make it less mainstream meaning it is far less likely for this content to be suggested to new. It's the 80s! - CYOA. . Gateways may link different locations within the demiplane, or link the demiplane to the greater universe. If you're looking for the Interactive Choose Your Own Adventures that Punch made, you've come to the right place! Interactive Naruto CYOA Interactive Gamer: Choose Your Own System Interactive Horror Monster CYOA50% off for a limited time! Trapped! (An Interactive CYOA TF TG Story) You awake in a small room, with a concrete floor, wall, and ceiling. Only a few of them are the stories known as Choose Your Own Adventure stories. Sith Lord, Jedi: Guardian of the Republic, Buckethead, Star Wars, Star Wars Episo/d/e V: Attack of the CYOA (NSFW. . Does anyone have a list of interactive cyoas. Understable, this CYOA is quite difficult to make it a interactive one. NSFW Interactive, containing VORE, nudity, and other fetishes. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. But being a degenerate that I am I had to include some lewd elements in it. Fire was a choice between 3 Strength or 3 Magic, Time was 2 Luck and 1 of either Agility or Vitality. Seems like they removed the choices and just gave all the stats for this. Infinite Story - Interactive Fiction Engine Our application allows users to read and collaboratively write Infinite Stories. Original Static CYOA by /u/MythicLegendary Interactive CYOA by /u/_pasadena Version: Amaranthea Update Interactive CYOA Version: v1. <strong>We're sorry but the CYOA doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. by Aquagirl2001. . I've watched over the years many CYOA esk games get built and I remember the first few NSFW CYOA text adventures as well. Please direct all technical issues to /u/chinesesilklanterns on. This container takes the form of a small bag, box or case. Last updated: 03.