I am terrified and feeling very discouraged about my own natal astrology. Generate your birth chart. Taineberry Knowflake . Transits to his natal included 6 conjunctions, including Neptune on his Eros and Psyche exact on his Mercury. The Sun conjunct Vertex synastry aspect is a powerful connection that can bring two people together to fulfill their shared destiny. Hence, please look carefully at that which conjuncts the North Node in synastry. ) These contacts are intense, but occur with others on a regular basis, and may explain the fascination or compulsion or closeness that we sometimes feel with complete strangers. Growth is a key focus of this relationship. Lilith Square Mars. Atlantis conjunct Vertex EXACT Uranus conjunct IC 1 Alma conjunct NN EXACT DSC conjunct Mercury 1 DSC conjunct Venus 2 MC conjunct. With Mars conjunct Juno in synastry, the Mars partner’s action and drive is compatible with the relationship the Juno person is looking for. Their Pluto Return started in January of 2020, which should be obvious considering the downward spiral of the USA since then. Synastry: – His N. I have looked all over the Internet but can't seem to find much info on actual Nessus aspects. Think fatal attraction, soulmates and transformation through the power of love. In Astrology, Ceres represents nurturing and parenting. Mars Conjunct Pluto showing up in both partners in synastry. It also has other aspects: Trine with my Neptune, and Sextile with my Pluto, lastly a square with my Pars Fortune. So here's where I give you my two disclaimers: When I say “soulmate,” I mean those deeply impactful, deeply connected relationships that you never forget. His Venus conjunct my Vertex,Juno and apollo 0° His Nessus. ). There is also an instant physical attraction which may feel like love at first sight. Ascendant conjunct Vertex is a particularly lovely aspect in synastry, and if you find it in yours and your partner’s composite chart, you can count yourself very fortunate, as a strong Vertex connection indicates a deep bond, intense attachment and physical attraction that is more than likely to develop sexually. I have read that its a somewhat darker energy that sometimes it can also shed light on spotting abuse within synastry. Nessus Conjunct the Descendant. Juno Conjunct Vertex. Posts: 3707 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011: posted August 12, 2014 11:56 PM See full list on accessnewage. One girl’s Nessus was conjunct the other’s Chiron. Loved my dad (still do): His Nessus conjunct my Jupiter. The relationship will bring out. January 20, 2023 astrologyanonymous27. Vertex Synastry Aspects. with the sun/Saturn midpoint conjunctdejanira opposed opposed to eris, any type of sexual relationship will only lead to abusive conditions and not to greater romantic interest. Generate your birth chart. My SUN/MOON MIDPOINT (Under 1°). Natal Dejanira conjunct Moon is a hard aspect which could indicate victim mindset. Lie. In the synastry chart, Chiron. We both (natal and synergy) have both Mars, my MC 0 degrees sextile and my nodes trine and sextile at 1 degree. I have looked all over the Internet but can't seem to find much info on actual Nessus aspects. So here's where I give you my two disclaimers: When I say. That is very interesting about his Nessus conjunct his vertex in the 7th. One of my longest relationships featured a Lilith-Sun/Ascendant conjunction in synastry. The Descendant person can feel like the Vertex person opens up ways for significant meetings with other people that will have a long term effect of how the Descendant person views others and themself. For asteroids, enter their official catalogue numbers written below: Nessus: 7066 Dejanira:157 Chiron:2060 Asteroid Lilith: 1181 Karma: 3811 Nemesis: 128 Sado:118230 Lucifer:1930 Atropos:273 Achilles:588 7. Hmmmm. ------------------. This sort of contact can be life-changing, but it doesn’t mean it is long term. They are a VERY passionate couple. this implies that,yes, down the line, he will become extremely dominating and abusive. Synastry Aspects for Marriage Key Synastry Chart Aspects Sun/Moon/Ascendant Sun/Sun Moon/Moon Sun/Moon Venus/Mars Saturn/Jupiter Sun/Moon Midpoint North Node Vertex Key Takeaways How Are Aspects Measured? What Are ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Aspects in Astrology? Do All Astrologers Calculate the Aspects in Synastry the Same Way? Conclusion Vertex conjunct the ascendant is a frequent synastry aspect in the charts of romantic partners. Those new or unfamiliar with this practice usually only focus on the conjunction of the Sun signs. November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27. ) Transits to the Composite chart: among others, transiting Juno at vertex exact and T. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. I have Vesta conjunct Vesta, 11th House, Gemini at 0 degrees with a man I met four months ago. If you meet someone whose Venus conjuncts your 4th House Vesta, what the Venus person takes pleasure in (and how they express love) will fit into your sacred space. I’m not sure why it is picking up speed now with the newer/novice astrologers starting to talk about it but please keep this in mind when reading info about this transit because if they are claiming that it is an upcoming transit and not already happening then chances. The basics are the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (the soul’s trinity) in aspect to the sexual planets (Venus and Mars) and the social planets of balance (Jupiter and Saturn). Vertex Conjunct Vertex in Synastry? Highly fated relationship? Tanya00 Nov 13, 2014 T Tanya00 Well-known member Nov 13, 2014 #1 Hello all, My question is more of a general one: I was wondering if anyone has experienced the aspect of Vertex conjunct Vertex with a significant other in a synastry chart? If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. February 7, 2023 3 3 In astrology, people use synastry to determine soulmate compatibilities. Juno Conjunct Vertex. Those were rough times. There is a feeling of destiny between the two of you, and you feel that you can go the distance together. If a person BRINGS a planet or asteroid to the North Node person, the planet or. planets conjunct the north node and the south node aspects to the Vertex harmonious Moon contacts Saturn If you are in a relationship with your soulmate, you both help each other grow (this is not always pleasant). With Vertex aspects, I suggest mainly focusing on conjunctions, oppositions and squares within a tight orb. His pallas conjunct my vertex. What's been everyone's experience with VERTEX conjunct NESSUS in synastry? It's been my understanding that the point which conjoins VERTEX will colour the. The Vertex is most often used in synastry. Nessus conjunct Dejanira aspect in synastry is also significant, as it represents the abuser-victim dynamic. In the natal chart, Ceres shows how we nurture ourselves and others. She had Venus and Union conjunct the Anti-Vertex. This is a powerful one. Yes, just like the ones you saw in Narnia. However, there’s much more to uncover if one also explores other synastry aspects, such as conjuncts. The basics are the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (the soul’s trinity) in aspect to the sexual planets (Venus and Mars) and the social planets of balance (Jupiter and Saturn). It’s pretty epic haha! I’d love to hear your thoughts honestly, I really enjoy your page! I know this is an old post but I found it!!. Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the. Asteroids Nessus and Dejanira in synastry Juno Conjunct Ascendant Venus Novile Venus Is Mars square Mars that bad? Ascendant conjunct Venus Their Pluto Return started in January of 2020, which should be obvious considering the downward spiral of the USA since then. His 8th house Nessus is conjunct my 7th house Dejanira (2s), opposite my moon (-1s) and square my mercury (2a). February 7, 2023 3 3 In astrology, people use synastry to determine soulmate compatibilities. Uranus Trine Vertex. The Vertex works like an alternative descendant and is the point of destiny encounters. Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the. That was one of the reasons that she contacted me. It was a complicated, intense, spicy hot love affair that changed both of our lives. (his chart ruler. Chiron Return is also very significant. This native may be an abuser. If an asteroid is conjunct an angle or a planet, placed in a prominent position, or stands out because of some other reason,. The NN in synastry is amazing. Nessus & Lilith in Synastry - Discussions, questions . See a recent post on Tumblr from @celestial-martian about north node conjunct vertex synastry. Finally, one can rest from this harried world. (his chart ruler. The Vertex person feels a strong attraction to the Eros person, for they feel a sense the fatedness of this relationship. 3. Sun Conjunct Nessus in Synastry/Dejanira Conjunct Nessus. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Each person has one. Transits to his natal included 6 conjunctions, including Neptune on his Eros and Psyche exact on his Mercury. All aspects are important in a synastry reading, but the basics (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) are the best indicators of a successful marriage. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. One aspect doesn't always equal all forms of abuse. If you are a karmic astrologer then the Vertex and the North Node are also important. IP: Logged. There is a feeling of destiny between the two of you, and you feel that you can go the distance together. A centaur refers to a half-human and half-horse. We have Venus Vertex synastry. Synastry Aspects with the Vertex Sun- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Sun person’s ego expression and core-being encapsulates the Vertex person’s idea of the perfect mate. When one person’s Chiron makes an aspect to the planets in the other person’s birth chart, there are some deeper issues involved in the relationship. Mars Conjunct Pluto showing up in both partners in synastry. Asteroids Nessus and Dejanira in synastry Juno Conjunct Ascendant Venus Novile Venus Is Mars square Mars that bad? Ascendant conjunct Venus Their Pluto Return started in January of 2020, which should be obvious considering the downward spiral of the USA since then. Since it's just your Ceres conjunct this area of their chart, I wouldn't think much of it. Lilith was known to drive men insane. Separating can be difficult with this placement. Our suns are 3° apart. Posts: 9778. Vertex conjunct the ascendant is a frequent synastry aspect in the charts of romantic partners. Uranus Trine Vertex. Mars Conjunct Juno Synastry. I feel like I am doomed with this natal chart. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. Synastry Chart Online Calculator - Relationship Astrology Compatibility Partner A - Date of Birth Time (local time) h min ( unknown time ) Birth city: ( Enter coordinates manually ) Here, the Descendant person will have an opportunity to show how well they have reflected themself, or possibly with the help of the Vertex person. I’m not sure why it is picking up speed now with the newer/novice astrologers starting to talk about it but please keep this in mind when reading info about this transit because if they are claiming that it is an upcoming transit and not already happening then chances. Think fatal attraction, soulmates and transformation through the power of love. Ceres in synastry or Ceres in the signs and houses in the natal chart can reveal a lot about how you love and how you want to be loved. If a person BRINGS a planet or asteroid to the North Node person, the planet or asteroid becomes a theme of the relationship. 6. When someone’s planet conjuncts our angle, we see this person as embodying the planetary archetype. Nessus conjunct Sun, Moon or ASC aspects can manifest itself as strong impulses. This relationship is definitely especially intense, it could be the twin flame kind of thing, and the relationship would feel extra intense if it is. Thank you in advance if anyone knows what these aspects might mean! Synastry chart horoscope calculates planet positions of both partners and shows their mutual aspects, including free astrology interpretations. 6. All aspects are important in a synastry reading, but the basics (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) are the best indicators of a successful marriage. It can also happen that there are changes in your love life when the Vertex is triggered in your birth chart by some transiting planet or progression. As Hamlet says, “the readiness is all. Moon-Neptune Aspects (Trine, Conjunction) Virgo 8H Venus x Gemini 8H Venus. I’m not sure why it is picking up speed now with the newer/novice astrologers starting to talk about it but please keep this in mind when reading info about this transit because if they are claiming that it is an upcoming transit and not already happening then chances. I was the Sun/Ascendant person, while he was the Lilith person. )As the asteroid of nurturing and caring for others, Ceres can be important. (his chart ruler. Synastry chart horoscope calculates planet positions of both partners and shows their mutual aspects, including free astrology interpretations. Eros-Vertex: Eros conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond between the couple. Vesta at the North Node. Venus can bring more self love and appreciation to IC person’s inner world, making them feel more secure and confident. The Mars person may help the vertex person become more motivated and goal oriented. Their Pluto Return started in January of 2020, which should be obvious considering the downward spiral of the USA since then. I’ve had some riveting experiences with my ex of 6 years. 1. Then, they became bitter enemies. #1 Hello! I have read that Nessus is similar to Pluto. Venus is the planet of love and romance. Vesta at the North Node. IP: Logged. His nodes are in wide conjunct. Please tell me what you think about this. It may be linked to his goals such. I don’t know that I. Unless there are some other, seriously disruptive synastry contacts between you, you’ll be drawn to live with them. If it is a hard planet or asteroid, you will eat your fill of it until you want to burst. However, if it is, it will show up. We have Venus Vertex synastry. IndigoDirae Moderator . Venus is the planet of love and romance. One woman had Nessus and Child conjunct the Vertex. #1 Does anyone know what it means of a person has Nessus conjunct their own North Node? This person's Nessus also conjuncts my Ceres, and my Ceres in turn conjuncts their North Node. Her Eros-Nessus square my Pluto-Quaoar, my Nessus square her Psyche, her Priapus conjunct my Ascendant, her Chiron conjunct my Venus, her Nemesis conjunct Descendant, my Pluto opposite her Dejanira. Some examples: Angelina’s Venus/Ascendant conjunct Brad’s Vertex, Brad’s Ascendant conjuncts Angelina’s Vertex Frank Sinatra’s Vertex opposes Nancy Sinatra’s Venus, Nancy’s Vertex opposes Frank’s Part of Fortune Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. Transits to Progressed Composite: among others, Neptune at Juno and Juno at Chiron. An instant friendship is indicated. Venus represents aesthetics, sensuality, art and luxury. One person’s North Node conjunct or opposite another person’s Vertex are apparently very common aspects to find among married partners. Juno Conjunct Vertex Uranus Trine Vertex Compatibility in synastry Can we overcome Mars square Mars in synastry? Effects of the same Venus and Mars signs in synastry in a platonic relationship. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. One is most fortunate to have this aspect. It seems to me that this is a lovely contact for synastry, holding a capacity for a spritual connection that is based on gnosis on a soul level where true wisdom resides. 2. In synastry, IC conjunct Venus has a similar meaning to Moon conjunct Venus. Venus is the planet of love and romance. However, Mars can, also, bring annoyance and irritation. Each aspect is worth 1 point. That was one of the reasons that she contacted me for a chart reading. You can help each other overcome the wounds of the past. Juno Conjunct Vertex Uranus Trine Vertex Compatibility in synastry Can we overcome Mars square Mars in synastry? Effects of the same Venus and Mars signs in synastry in a platonic relationship. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you are a karmic astrologer then the Vertex and the North Node are also important. I’m scared of the Nessus/Chiron aspect to my NN, but have also. Things became very sexual, very quickly VERY early on in the relationship. Issues concerning erotic love and sexual connection is of most importance in this relationship. This person may be known as an abuser such as OJ Simpson. I wish I had a better handle on how a "negative" asteroid interacts in conjunction with a "positive" or "love" asteroid. Thank you in advance if anyone knows what these aspects might mean! Ascendant conjunct Vertex is a particularly lovely aspect in synastry, and if you find it in yours and your partner’s composite chart, you can count yourself very fortunate, as a strong Vertex connection indicates a deep bond, intense attachment and physical attraction that is more than likely to develop sexually. In our synastry, his Nessus/Pluto conjunction conjuncts my Dej/NN conjunction all within or less than a 4 degree orb. HOWEVER it depends HOW exactly her Nessus is aspected in her OWN natal chart to see if there is potential for this. Her NN conjuncts my Sun and anti-vertex. One woman had Nessus and Child conjunct the Vertex. One aspect doesn't always equal all forms of abuse. If a man sees a woman on the street and feels attracted to her, there are many other factors that describe if or how he will approach her. My VERTEX – His N. If a person has a planet or asteroid on your NN, they will bring the flavor of that planet or asteroid TO the relationship. Would harmonious aspects (trine/sextile) to personal planets be easier to work with? What about Nessus conjunct Pluto; would Pluto overpower Nessus and keep it under control? 5 17 comments Add a Comment Everyday_everyway • 10 mo.